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    06:58 PM
  • Date:
    Saturday 08 Feb 2025
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Sudan Flag

The Present Flag: The Sudan Flag is designed in four colours:

1- The Red Colour.

2-The White Colour.

3- The Black Colour.

4- The Green.Colour.

The History of the Sudanese Flag:

The design of the First Sudanese Flag, was passed by the House of Representatives, in its sitting No. 53, of the Third Session, on Saturday 31/12/1955, by a motion, by the leader of the House, Sayed / Mubarak Zarroug.

The National Anthem

Nahno gundu Allah gund Al Watan in Daa Dai Alfida lun Nakhon,

Natahadda Almut, indal Mehan Nashtari lmajda, bi aghla Thaman,

Hazhi Alrado lana, ful yaish Sudanona, Alaman bayn Al oomam

Ya Bani Assudan, Haza Ramzukum,

Yahmulu Al Ibaa, wa yhmi Ardakum.

Author: Ahmed Mohamed Salih

Composed By: (Lt. Col) (R) Ahmed Murgan


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