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Categoryأخبار الرئاسة (سابقاً)

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حكومتا السودان وجنوب السودان يوقعان على توصيات وقرارات الإجتماع فوق العادة للآلية السياسية الأمنية المشتركة

وقعت الحكومة وحكومة جنوب السودان ،بالعاصمة جوبا اليوم ،علي توصيات وقرارات إجتماع الآلية السياسية الأمنية المشتركة للبلدين الذي عقد خلال اليومين الماضيين أثر تداعيات احداث منطقة أبيي

رئيس مجلس السيادة يطلع على التقدم الذي احرزه تنفيذ الاتفاقية التنشيطية للسلام بجمهورية جنوب السودان

إطلع الفريق اول ركن عبد الفتاح البرهان عبد الرحمن رئيس مجلس السيادة الانتقالي على التقدم الذي احرزه تنفيذ الاتفاقية التنشيطية للسلام فى جمهورية جنوب السودان

رئيس مجلس السيادة يلتقي السفير الياباني بالخرطوم بمناسبة انتهاء فترة عمله بالبلاد

التقي رئيس مجلس السيادة الإنتقالي الفريق أول ركن عبد الفتاح البرهان ،بالقصر الجمهوري اليوم، سفير اليابان لدي السودان شينجي اوربياشي، بمناسبة انتهاء فترة عمله بالبلاد

رئيس مجلس السيادة الانتقالي يؤكد عمق ومتانة العلاقات بين السودان ومملكة نذر لاند

اكد رئيس مجلس السيادة الانتقالي الفريق أول ركن عبد الفتاح البرهان عمق ومتانة العلاقات بين السودان ومملكة نذر لاند

رئيس مجلس السيادة يتلقى رسالة من الرئيس التشادي

تلقى الفريق أول ركن عبد الفتاح البرهان عبد الرحمن رئيس مجلس السيادة الانتقالي، رسالة شفهية من الرئيس التشادي إدريس دبي تتصل بالعلاقات الثنائية وتعزيز التعاون المشترك

The vice- president praises the Northern State’s achievement of producing abundant of wheat crop

The Vice President, Kibir has praised the northern state of its achieving abundant production of wheat during the harvest of this year. During his visit to the AL-Rajihi wheat project in the northern province of Al-Dabba today ,

The First Vice-President Briefed on the Exerted Efforts for Developing Federal Governance

First Vice-President praised the efforts exerted to develop federal governance and the prepared studies to implement it as the best system of governance in the country.

The First Vice President Discusses with Sheikh Al-Sanosi the Peace and Stability Process in the State

The First Vice-President, discussed with assistant President Al-Sunnossi today in his office at , with the Assistant President of the Republic Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Sunousi, the process of peace and stability in the country after the declaration of the state of emergency and the decision to p...

The Vice President Affirms the State's Support to Abyei Area Projects

Dr. Osman Klibir, Vice President has reaffirmed state support to all projects that development the area as well as providing the services to all citizens.

The Vice President Visits a Number of States to Stand on the Arrangements of Wheat Harvest

The Vice President Visits a Number of States to Stand on the Arrangements of Wheat Harvest

Vice President is Inspecting the Rehabilitation of the Road Damazin – Khartoum

Vice President is Inspecting the Rehabilitation of the Road Damazin – Khartoum

Vice President of the Republic: Peace is a strategic and central issue of the state

Vice President of the Republic Dr. Othman Mohamed Yusuf Kibir confirmed that peace is a strategic and pivotal issue for the state at all times.

Kibir to Direct the Blue Nile Government to Prioritize the People like living Status as well as Encourage the Civilians Energy for Production

Kibir to Direct the Blue Nile Government to Prioritize the People like living Status as well as Encourage the Civilians Energy for Production

Kibir Calls All Society Categories to Rise Above Affiliations and Prioritize Public Interest Over Personal Interests

Kibir Calls All Society Categories to Rise Above Affiliations and Prioritize Public Interest Over Personal Interests

The Vice President to Arrive at Aldamazin City for Visiting Blue Nile State for two Days

The Vice President to Arrive at Aldamazin City for Visiting Blue Nile State for two Days

The First lady of Sudan To Reaffirm The Sudan keenness of Doing More Efforts To Combat AIDS

Wife of his Excellency President of the Republic Widad Babiker has reaffirmed the Sudan keenness of doing more efforts in combating AIDS, she also has pointed out to help and encourage the patients of this sickness, during her address to celebration of the global date for women in Khartoum.

Kibir to Head the second Meeting of Board of Directors of the Sudanese Hospital for Cancer Free Treatment

Kibir to Head the second Meeting of Board of Directors of the Sudanese Hospital for Cancer Free Treatment

The First Vice President is to be Briefed on the Economic and Security Situation in Khartoum State.

The First Vice President is to be Briefed on the Economic and Security Situation in Khartoum State.

The vice President To Direct of all Arrangements To Secure Strategic Wheat Stock

His Excellency Osman Kibir,Vice president has directed of taking necessary arrangements of secure the wheat stock,he also has been brifed on the status of wheat harvest in the country,that took p

The Vice President To Reaffirm The State Keenness To The Educational Alshaab Hospital

Dr.kibir,vice president has reaffirmed the state support to the educational Alshaab hospitals as the state strategy for localization of remedy.


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