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The Government and the Armed Movements Representing Darfur Track Sign a Framework Agreement

28 Dec 2019 أخبار أعضاء مجلس السيادة الإنتقالي

Juba - the government delegation, headed by member of the Transitional Sovereign Council, Lt. Gen. Shamseddin Kabashi and the armed struggle movements in the Darfur track, signed the framework agreement for the path, in the presence of joint mediation from the South and Chad, headed by Tut Qalwak, Adviser to the President of South Sudan for Security Affairs.

Where the government’s member, Lt. Gen. Shams al-Din Kabashi, signed on behalf of the government, the head of the mediation delegation, Tut Qalwak, and the movements representing the path, were Ahmad Mohammed Dabak, Secretary of Negotiation for Justice and Equality, Mohammed Bashir Abdullah of the Sudan Liberation Movement, and Mubarak Bakhit Ibrahim, on the Sudan Liberation Forces Movement and Nimir Abd Rahman Nimir, Chairman of the Transitional Council of the Sudan Liberation Movement and Army.

The member of the transitional sovereign council, Lieutenant General Shamseddin Kabbashi, stated that the signing of the framework agreement for the Darfur path confirms the transitional government's determination to achieve peace as a priority during this phase and in response to the glorious aspirations of the December revolution.

A member of the Transitional Sovereign Council said that the next few days would witness reaching a comprehensive agreement on the Darfur track and in all tracks.

To that, Tout Qalwak, head of the delegation of mediation in South Sudan, believed that signing the framework agreement for the Darfur track pushed the wheel of negotiations between the government and the struggle movements to advanced stages, reiterating the mediation commitment to work hard with all parties to achieve peace in Sudan as soon as possible.


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