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The Country Celebrates the 64th Anniversary of Independence With Wide Participation and an Impressive Presence

31 Dec 2019 أخبار رئيس مجلس السيادة الإنتقالي

Khartoum - The country celebrated this evening at the gardens of the Republican Palace, the sixty-fourth anniversary of glorious independence, amid wide participation and the presence of acclaimed members of the Sovereign Council and the Council of Ministers, and incumbents of constitutional positions, leaders of the Forces of Freedom and Change, leaders of the regular forces and security services, members of the diplomatic corps accredited in the country and a number of national figures, Islamic and Christian leaders of civil administrations, managers of the media, chief editors of newspapers, columnists, and a multitude of media professionals.

This year’s celebrations come different from their predecessors to coincide with the celebrations of the Sudanese people for the first anniversary of the victory of the glorious December revolution in which the people breezed freedom and emancipation from the scourge of the former regime.

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تابعونا وشاهدونا أولاً بأول لنحظى بتشجيعكم دومًا! تعرّفوا على أحدث الأخبار الخاصة بالموقع والمبادرات الحكومية من خلال نشراتنا البريدية.

