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The Head of Social Committee of TMC Confirms Sudan’s National Security is Linked With the Security of KSA

17 Aug 2019 أخبار أعضاء المجلس العسكري الإنتقالي (سابقاً)


The head of social committee at the TMC has confirmed Sudan's national security is linked with  the security of the Kingdom Saudi Arabia and any threat to the security of the Kingdom is a threat of Sudan’ security .

And he explained in a press statement after the final signing of the interim period that  "The presence of Iran in the south of Red Sea is a direct threat to Sudan's national security,"

Major General Salah al-Din Abdul Khaliq has praised the support that Saudi Arabia has been providing to Sudan, noting that the Kingdom has white hands on all Muslims in the East and West.

Also Read..

The Head of Social Committee of TMC Confirms Sudan’s National Security is Linked With the Security of KSA

The head of social committee at the TMC has confirmed Sudan's national security is linked with the security of the Kingdom Saudi Arabia and any threat to the security of the Kingdom is a threat of Sudan’ security .


تابعونا وشاهدونا أولاً بأول لنحظى بتشجيعكم دومًا! تعرّفوا على أحدث الأخبار الخاصة بالموقع والمبادرات الحكومية من خلال نشراتنا البريدية.

