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Speech by His Excellency General Abdel-Fattah Al-Burhan, President of the Transitional Sovereign Council, on the 64th anniversary of Sudan's independence

31 Dec 2019 أخبار رئيس مجلس السيادة الإنتقالي


December 31, 2019

In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful

Honorable Sudanese people

Assalamu Alikum Wa Rahmat Allah Wa Barakatu

Allow me to greet you on this blessed day from the glorious history of our nation as you celebrate the sixty-fourth anniversary of the independence of our country in which we remember the struggle of fathers and forefathers honored, made and formulated with their thoughts and blood the most magnificent parables of redemption, the most glorious and supreme sacrifices for this day and these moments in which the flag of Sudan rises high. We have the right to celebrate and be proud that we are Sudanese have drunk from our glorious Nile, glory, majesty, and courage.

First: Government and Policies: This dimension includes reforms that stimulate economic development in terms of creating an appropriate investment environment, strengthening financial discipline and good governance, administrative development, justice, accountability and transparency, labor market policies, vocational training, the upper and lower minimum wages, competitiveness

Second: Basic rights and freedoms: These include political, social, economic and cultural participation, equality before the law, equal opportunities, safety of persons and property, freedom of assembly, freedom of expression, citizenship duties and rights as well as a free and responsible media sector.

Third: Services, infrastructure and economic include developing public transport services at an economical cost, developing and bringing in financial resources while exploiting unconventional resources and improving the management of financial systems, providing energy at an economic cost and preserving the environment and enabling citizens to access information technology and provide quality and competitive financial and banking services.

In conclusion, we say, as the late leader Ismail Al-Azhari said from within the parliament: Our people are determined to obtain independence, so they will obtain and maintain it as long as the will of the people in our constitution, so we will proceed on the path of glory and glory.


Assalamu Alikum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatu


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