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Ms. Aisha Musa, Member of the Sovereign Council: Security and Stability Depend on Economic Growth

20 Jan 2020 أخبار أعضاء مجلس السيادة الإنتقالي

Khartoum – Ms. Aisha Musa Al-Saeed, member of the Transitional Sovereign Council, stressed the necessity of joining all efforts through a collective aversion of governmental and non-governmental institutions, scholars, researchers and stakeholders to erase the effects of misery and wars that affected large parts of the country.

Her Excellency, pointed out when addressing, this afternoon at the Al Salam Rotana Hotel, a symposium on democratic governance and economic development in Sudan, in the presence of Dr. Ibrahim Al-Badawi, Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, that the papers that will be presented during the symposium must be based on the reality of the real things in Sudan.

Ms. Aisha proposed several solutions for the renaissance and economic development, noting the urgent economic resources and security required by democratic and rational democracy, and H.E. praised the role of youth who led the revolution in order to revive the economy and improve people's livelihood and said that the revolution has become a model for the peaceful change of the countries of the world.

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