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Kabashi: The Negotiations on the Track of the Two Areas Have Come a Long Way

17 Jan 2020 أخبار أعضاء مجلس السيادة الإنتقالي

Juba - Lieutenant-General Shamseddin Kabbashi, a member of the Transitional Sovereign Council and a member of the government delegation to peace negotiations, confirmed that negotiations in the track of the two areas have made great strides with the SPLM/N - Agar wing.

After the government delegation’s negotiation session with the SPLM/N - Malik Agar wing over the track of the two areas, at the headquarters of negotiations in Juba this evening, the session ended the discussion on the political file within the framework agreement submitted by the movement. Kabashi added that the joint committees from both sides started implementing the humanitarian aid which was agreed upon earlier, announcing the start of discussing the last item of the framework agreement related to security arrangements within the coming days.

His Excellency said that the negotiations are proceeding well in the various tracks, noting that the government delegation continues to dialogue with the SPLM-North led by Abdulaziz Al-Helou, partner in the two areas track.

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